In modern web development, providing an interface that adapts to the user’s system preferences has become increasingly important. Especially with dark mode, it not only reduces eye strain but also offers a more comfortable reading experience at night. So, how can we elegantly detect if the user has enabled dark mode in a React application?

Code Implementation

Below is a custom React Hook implementation that can help us detect if the user’s system has enabled dark mode:

import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';

export default function useDarkTheme() {
    const [darkMode, setDarkMode] = useState(false);

    useEffect(() => {
        const colorSchemeQueryList = window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)');

        const handleChange = () => {

        colorSchemeQueryList.addEventListener('change', handleChange);

        return () => {
            colorSchemeQueryList.removeEventListener('change', handleChange);
    }, []);

    return darkMode;

This Hook listens for changes in the prefers-color-scheme media query to update the darkMode state in real-time. You can use this Hook in any React component to get the current dark mode status and adjust your UI accordingly.

Using an Existing Library

To simplify the development process, you can directly use our packaged npm library @alikia/dark-theme-hook. This library includes the implementation of the above Hook and provides type definitions, making it convenient for use in TypeScript projects.

Installation methods are as follows:

# Using npm
npm install @alikia/dark-theme-hook
# Using yarn
yarn add @alikia/dark-theme-hook
# Using pnpm
pnpm i @alikia/dark-theme-hook
# Using bun
bun add @alikia/dark-theme-hook

Then, import and use it in your React component:

import useDarkTheme from '@alikia/dark-theme-hook';

function MyComponent() {
    const isDarkMode = useDarkTheme();

    return (
            <h1>Dark Mode Detection</h1>
            <p>Dark mode is {isDarkMode ? 'enabled' : 'disabled'}.</p>

export default MyComponent;

By using this library, you can easily implement dark mode detection and response in your React project, enhancing the user experience.